



Founded in 1972, Yamamoto Paper started as a paper wholesaler and in 2005, they started manufacturing their own papers. Their line of paper products focus on highlighting the differences between distinct papers. From color to texture to weight, Yamamoto Paper puts paper at the forefront and using different ways of processing and printing paper, their products including their Paper Tasting packs, loose sheets and notebooks encourage users to compare and contrast between papers."




【機能を特化すれば 『紙』はデジタルを超えられる】
目指したのは、年齢・経験・場所にとらわれない、機能紙を使った便利アイテムです。筆圧により複写できる機能紙 『感圧紙』 をメモ用紙として使用しました。 複写伝票類に使用されている 『感圧紙』 を使用することで、複数枚の複写を簡単に作成することができます。この機能を用いて『その場で簡単に情報を共有できるメモ』に特化しました。送信先の確認やメッセージグループを構築する煩わしさ、電源・電波の有無などに関係なく、筆記さえすれば 『いつでも、どこでも、だれとでも』情報を共有できるという点が、デジタルツールと比較して非常に優れた商品です。

【Paper can surpass Apps by specialized in information sharing】
Are we being dominated by the idea that ""Everything is convenient thanks to Apps with just a mobile phone""? We response to such a question with knowledge and experience about paper. We built on the ideas and created new innovations to develop a product that explores the convenience of paper.

【Paper can surpass Apps by specializing in functionality】
We create a item that isn't limited by age, experience, or location by using functional paper. We used carbonless copy paper as note paper. By using carbonless copy paper commonly used in receipt book, it's easy to create multiple copies. We specialized in creating ""memos for easily sharing information on anywhere"" using this feature. Unlike digital tools, where confirming recipients or setting up message groups can be bothersome, and regardless of power source or signal availability, as long as you write, you can share information ""Anytime, Anywhere, with Anyone."" This makes it an excellent product. Truly, it's stationery that excels worldwide."



"山本紙業WRITING PADシリーズは色々な紙の書き心地を愉しむことができるライティングパッドです。
そこで山本紙業は、この先も継続生産を確約されている訳ではない様々な紙たちの書き心地を記憶に残してもらう為に、筆記テストを行って紙を選定し、WRITING PADシリーズとして製品開発致しました。是非、今しか味わうことのできないかもしれない様々な紙の素晴らしい書き心地をお楽しみください。

Yamamoto Paper’s WRITING PAD series is a collection of writing pads that let you enjoy the textures and writing experiences of various types of paper. The outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in the social infrastructure across a wide spectrum of fields. The paper industry has also been greatly affected by this outbreak, with an accelerating trend to digitize traditional paper-based workflows to support remote workers hitting them particularly hard. Up until these times, Japanese paper manufacturers have strived to offer a wide variety of products to meet every customer’s specific needs, tweaking formulations based on regional needs or for very particular usage scenarios. As a result, Japanese paper manufacturers have managed to produce a vast breadth of paper varieties that are unmatched in any other part of the world. Unfortunately though, the pandemic has put these paper manufacturers in a severe financial strain, forcing them to find ways to cut costs for survival. The consolidation of product offerings has been accelerated and less profitable paper varieties are rapidly being phased out. In order to preserve the obscure gems of writing papers that are on the brink of possible extinction, Yamamoto Paper has curated our favorite writing papers and turned them into writing pads your enjoyment. We hope you will enjoy the wonderful feeling of writing on these papers as it may only be a matter of time before they disappear forever!
Made in: Japan"


Paper tasting

海外の友人との会話から""Paper tasting""の発想が生まれました。メモではなく、あくまでも書き心地や紙質を愉しむための「試し書きパッド」。3種類・3サイズの異なるペーパーパッドがセットされています。""Paper tasting""は、紙を「テイスティング」するという遊び心で楽しむことのできる、全く新しい紙文具です。


Find your pen-friendly paper
“Japanese notebooks are so pen friendly and there are so many types of great paper. How can I learn more about them? Where do I begin?” This product was born from such a conversation with a friend living abroad. ""Paper tasting"" is a collection of writing pads, expressly to let you try different kinds of papers and enjoy the pleasure of writing on them. Like wine tasting, you will be able to find your favorite pairing of pen and paper, or even pencil and paper. Each package comes with a short description of the included papers, along with a classification table that will show you how the papers fit into the broader landscape of Japanese paper categories. It is like having your very own paper sommelier!
Made in: Japan"